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The Perfect Man (2)

Emerald Hills of the Heart
Each universal man is perfect according to his capacity and the effort he exerts to have knowledge of God.
| Fethullah Gulen | Issue 159 (May - Jun 2024)

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The Perfect Man (2)

In This Article

  • When people enter the perfect man’s aura, they begin to feel the breezes of friendship with God, and on reaching that door, they quiver with calls from the realms beyond.
  • A human being is indicative of the Divine Being as His work of Art, while his or her attributes are indicative of the Divine Ones as they are dependent on them.
  • It is not possible to have a perfect knowledge of God without considering existence as far as its beginning or seed is concerned, or without turning to the horizon of the universal man, who is a comprehensive voice of the Divine Being, Attri­butes, Names, and Acts.

The perfect, universal man is a polished mirror for the Ultimate Truth and, in his relation to other beings, is like a star which stands still in its place or rotates around itself, and around which satellites turn. While rotating around himself, he flies around his axis in utmost devotion to Him and, as stated in the verse (16:16), And (many other) way-marks, and they find their way by the stars, he guides others to the straight path and directs them along it. Like a compass, he causes others to find their direction, and like a door or window he shows others the truth, and like a bridge he makes others pass from the darkness of their own world into the spacious world of eternity. When people enter his aura, they begin to feel the breezes of friendship with God; on reaching that door, they quiver with calls from the realms beyond, and on crossing that bridge, they rise to the horizon of having a relationship that consists of worshipping servants and the Sole Object of Worship with the Unique, Eternally Besought One in the perfect manner.

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