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My Sadness
Nov 1, 2011

It is as though my world is a blur
I can't seem to make things make sense
Nothing makes sense
It's like a snow globe
Shaken and stirred
In comparison to the flakes
Everything is disarray
My mind is a mess
I toss and I turn
I can't sleep
I can't eat
It has been 3 days now
I feel lost
I feel alone
There are people around
There are people home
Tears fall from my blue eyes
I can't make them stop
They fall with a pin drop
I can't recall when I last laughed
I hurt inside
I want it all to go away
The pain
The fear
The tears
I look in the mirror
What do I see
A shell of me
I see a little glimpse
Of who I once was
I see sadness
I don't see the real me
Time to get ready
Can't let the world see
Hide my sadness
Hide it with makeup
And false smiles
Be the pretty girl
The one everyone adores
Not the one you don't share
Only some see her
This charade never ends
My love never dies
My tears I will hide
I must go outside
The world is waiting

Barbara Koerth is a freelance writer and has written published poetry and continues to do so. She lives in the Houston area with her husband and children. She is currently studying Psychology.
